We can no longer stop e-trends in logistics
According to the Statista Digital Market Outlook report, Poland ranks 13th among the fastest growing e-commerce markets in the world. Such a dynamic growth of this modern sales channel is also connected with changes in the structure of logistics operations.
Modernlog 2020 will feature an overview of current trends and e-commerce solutions in this sector, with particular emphasis on sustainable development.
Similarly to e-commerce, the logistics services market is constantly changing and rapidly developing. This is mainly due to changes in the supply management, production and distribution of goods. The development of e-commerce also has a significant impact on the warehousing market in Poland.
Rental of warehousing space in Poland is growing
In their report prepared in the autumn, experts from the AXI IMMO Group, a company that has been providing integrated solutions on the commercial real estate market for 10 years, showed that more than 830,000 sq.m. of warehouse space was leased from June to September this year, of which 56% were new lease agreements. A total of 990,000 sq.m was delivered and 1.85 million sq.m is under construction. Most tenants are already existing players on the market, who are implementing new solutions in their supply chains, adapting them to support the e-commerce channel. Thanks to new logistics contracts, they are investing in leasing modern warehousing space. It is expected that next year will bring new records as 20 million sq.m of modern warehouse space is planned for Poland. “Although the market situation caused by the economic slowdown in Europe may have an impact on manufacturing companies, it seems that logistics market companies will defend itself thanks to e-commerce and increased investment in outsourcing of logistics services,” says Mateusz Nowakowski, director of Modernlog trade fair.
E-commerce revolutionizes the functioning of warehouses
The spread of e-shopping has significantly changed the logistics operations in warehouses. This applies, for example, to the packaging of goods.
“In traditional trade, assuming the classic delivery model, large-size collective packaging and pallets are used. Deliveries to retail outlets are usually made up to the level of collective packaging. In e-commerce the situation is completely different. Pallets are used only as support during the storage stage and the final product goes to the recipient most often in a single package. Depending on the industry profile, companies must adapt the work of their warehouses to these changes. We can no longer stop these trends in logistics, which is why we will take a closer look at these topics during the Smart Warehouse conference at the Modernlog trade fair. We will invite experts who will talk about their implementations supporting the operations of warehouses,” announces Mateusz Nowakowski.
Moreover, changing customer requirements and the development of e-commerce are forcing the introduction of WMS (warehouse management system) systems. Without advanced automation and digitization, e-commerce will have no right to exist. This is where it is especially important to enrich the functionality of order processing management.
“An intelligent warehouse, which for instance wants to adapt to the challenges posed by the development of e-commerce, must implement solutions that make it possible to process a large number of events with a small amount of data in a short time. Warehousing software is also extremely important as it should efficiently support all warehouse operations, with particular emphasis on flawless and effective completion and return logistics. This is a huge challenge, not only for big players, but also for smaller companies wishing to stay on the market. We see a need for knowledge in this area, hence the idea of continuing the Smart Warehouse conference. Its second edition will last two days and the decision to extend the duration was driven by the success of the event’s premiere at the previous edition of Modernlog,” adds Mateusz Nowakowski.
The second edition of the Smart Warehouse conference will be held during the Modernlog fair on 3 and 4 June 2020 at the Poznań International Fair.
Logistics in harmony with sustainable development
Sustainable development of the company is a social and economic development of a company enabling it to realize its existing plans and make profits without compromising its ability to achieve its goals and make profits in the future. In Poland, sustainable development has been officially defined in the Environmental Protection Law (Act of 27 April 2001, Environmental Protection Law, Journal of Laws 2001 No. 62 item 627) as a social and economic development, in which the process of integrating political, economic and social activities takes place, while maintaining the natural balance and durability of basic natural processes, in order to guarantee the possibility of satisfying the basic needs of particular communities or citizens of both the present and future generations.
The progress of logistics and the implementation of new technologies should therefore go in harmony with sustainable development in a global perspective. Environmental protection is an important pillar of sustainable development, a trend which is more and more visible across many enterprises.
“Improving logistic processes by means of outsourcing is a solution that fits into the principle of sustainable development. Instead of creating new logistics departments within the company, it is better to outsource logistics tasks to one external entity. This is not the only aspect. More and more restrictive European emission standards enforce the reduction of pollutants emitted by heavy duty vehicles. This applies not only to transport, but also to warehouse management. How can we function in line with the principles of sustainable development in order to remain in harmony with both the outcomes and the environment? It is a great responsibility of our generation and we will certainly want to talk about it at the Modernlog trade fair,” says Mateusz Nowakowski.
The Modernlog fair will be held from 2 to 5 June 2020 at the Poznań International Fair. At the same time, it will be possible to visit the following exhibitions: ITM Industry Europe, Focast Foundry Forum, 3D Solutions and Subcontracting.